torek, 15. maj 2012

The lights of Hong Kong - Luči Hong Konga

Hong Kong

Well, the mysteries of internet... In this super modern city veeery difficult to find one. I guess beacuese everybody is having the iphone and wi fi everywhere. So, Here I am typing in come coffee place. Like Starbucks. What can I tell after these first 3 days. It started with uneventful 11-hour flight, during which I chatted with my German neighbor who went to Japan to avert major crisis in his business - producing valves for cars and trucks! 
Arriving in HK from airport was easy due to great instructions from hostel owner. I m sleepin right in the middle of Kowloon! Great busy area. My room is the smallest possible on the 8th floor of some 15 storey building. Everything here is in the sky! High up somewhere. I had my first lunch which happened to be crocodile (great!) and then slept for 15 hours (I know, shame on me:-)), and next day visited Macau, former Portuguese colony. Not much to say. A lot of Casinos and some former European glamor. In the evening I crossed the Victoria harbor just for the panorama of illuminated skyscrappers. It cost 0,25 cents one way. For the magic of it, it could be triple! But it is public transport, as there are no bridges connecting Kowloon and Hong Kong island. Today the trip to Big Buddha was excellent idea. It was hot and sticky and rained, but the statue is magnificent. It is the biggest state of sitting Buddha mad of bronze in the world. The shame is that it just feels like a part of nearby Disneyland with all the souvenir shops and cheap stalls. You should spend and spend and spend. The late afternoon I just walked the streets of Hong Kong island and on the way to the ferry wandered into an art exhibition. Imagine me, all sweaty after baking in the sun all day in the Hong Kong high society (I checked the shoes:-) sociable event, but the hostess was really nice and even offered me a glass of wine. Just fabulous. And tomorrow across the border to real China.

Eh, skrivnosti interneta... V tem super modernem mestu sem ga komaj našla. Tipkam v kavarni, kjer sem zjutraj pila kavico:), saj je to edini javni internet, na katerega sem naletela. Kaj naj torej povem o teh prvih nekaj dnevih. Vse se je začelo z nič posebnega 11-urnim poletom, med katerim sem med drugim klepetala z mojim nemškim sosedom, ki je moral v Tokio preprečit krizo na področju:  avtomobilskih ventilov! To je namreč edini izdelek, ki ga proizvaja njegova firma!
Pot z letališča v mesto je bila mala šala, saj me je lastnik hostla oskrbel s super navodili. Spim sredi Kowloona v 8. nadstropju 15-nadstropnega bloka. Tu gre vse v višave, saj je prostora bore malo. 
Potem sem šla jest in naletela na krokodiljo restavracijo (hehe, ni kaj, prav odlično) in nato spala 15 ur. Naslednje jutro pa šla pogledat Macao. To je bivša portugalska kolonija, kjer je še čutiti nekaj nekdanjega evropskega glamurja. Mesto ni nič posebnega, a čisto simpatično. Zvečer sem se s trajektom, ki predstavlja javni prevoz, zapeljala prek zaliva Victoria Bay samo zaradi osvetljenih nebotičnikov, ki so na vsaki razglednici Hong Konga in bila navdusena nad pogledom, danes pa šla pozdravit Velikega Budo. To je največji iz brona narejeni sedeči kip Bude na svetu. Kip je veličasten, le pot do tja spominja na Disneyland, kjer naj bi na vsakem koraku samo zapravljal in zapravljal. 
In sedaj zvečer sem se šla zgubljat po ulicah in naletela na otvoritev v eni umetnostni galeriji, kjer me je gostiteljica kljub mojemu videzu (in verjetno vonju) po celem dnevu švicanja vseeno povabila na ogled in kozarec vina. Kaj naj rečem: to je to, zaradi česar hodim po svetu...
Jutri grem čez mejo in upam, da pridem do Guilina.
Lp :)

2 komentarja:

  1. vidim da ti je blog zalaufal. super!!! si želim da se čim pogosteje javiš. slike lahko dodajaš? maš kabl s sabo? bodi MAX lepo. pazi nase! pri nas noro hladno danes. dežuje. bi te šla kar obiskat :) tja nekam ... via Hong Kong. papa

  2. Bereva, bereva in čakava na novo javljanje.
