torek, 22. maj 2012

Beautiful Yangshuo - Čudoviti Yangshuo

17th of May 
My cycling guide was called Kevin, 22 and he accompanied me on a motorcycle! I couldn't help not to make fun of him a little bit. And gave him a little lesson about pollution! It is heart breaking to see the amount of pollutants of all sorts being discarded into environment every minute even in such a beautiful area as Guanxi province. The day was nice,although hot as a furnace. I did some hill climbing and cave exploring. I met Laura, a girl from UK who was on her way to HK, where she wants to live and work after working in Beijing!! At the age of 24 really everything is possible! We really enjoyed the cave. A helmet was about as far as security measures were concerned :-) The way in is in water so we were paddled in on a boat, and then walked in extremely low corridor before arriving to hot spring pool. A bath seemed a must and we just didn't care we had to go into the water in our underwear :-) Outside at 35+ we would be dry in minutes. After lunch, we went different ways but she promised to dig out some useful info to make my life in Beijing easier. The way back through rice fields, some hills, villages, across little streams ...was really great.
Next day I visited a 900 years old city with a group of chinese tourists. They took a lot of pictures of me :D It s so amazing how many things can be explained, understood, asked just with the help of hands, gestures, body language ...



17. maj 
Mojemu vodiču na kolesu je bilo ime Kevin in prišel me je spremljat z motorjem! Seveda sem se malo ponorčevala iz njega, pa nisem si mogla kaj,  da mu ne bi malo popridigala o onesnaževanju. Srce parajoče je gledati ogromne količine vseh sort onesnaževal, ki se vsako minuto spuščajo v okolje celo v tej čudoviti provinci Guanxi. Dan je bil prijeten, vroče sicer kot v peklu, a vseeno sem zlezla na en hrib in v eno jamo. Tik pred tem sem srečala Lauro, mladenko iz Anglije, ki se je naveličala pekinškega kaosa, kjer je delala, zdaj bo pa poskusila najti delo v Hong Kongu. Pri 24ih je pa res vse mogoče :-) Po kosilu sva šli vsaka svojo pot, a mi je obljubila, da me bo napotila k svojim prijateljem v Pekingu, da mi bo lažje prestati kaos glavnega mesta.
Nazaj grede sem biciklala mimo rižev polj, čez potočke, skozi vasice ... lepooo, prečudovito.

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