Pingyao, 29. in 30. maj
Tako sem prispela v slavno
mesto Pingyao. Je staro, ohranjeno in do sedaj edino res videti kitajsko
(priznam, naslov sem si sposodila iz Lonely Planeta). Stavbe so videti kot je bilo verjetno pol
Kitajske leta in leta nazaj. A ko sem se malo sprehodila naokoli, sem spet
dobila občutek, da je precenjen. Že res, da je glavnih nekaj ulic prijetnih in
lepo ohranjenih (ali obnovljenih), da je mestno obzidje veličastno, da na
ulicah ni prometa, toda le nekaj ulic stran stavbe razpadajo.
Zdi se mi, da so Kitajci
razumeli, da staro in zgodovinsko prinaša denar, da turiste to zanima, in
ponekod je videti res očitno prizadevanja za obnovo mest, stavb, templjev - kot
so bili pred kulturno revolucijo. Grem stavit, da bo ta država čez nekaj let
videti veliko starejša kot danes :-)
V Pingyau sem si izbrala najbolj
znan hostel in dobila najčudovitejšo sobo do sedaj. Ogromna postelja je
postavljena na zidano klop in jo obdajajo zavese iz krasnega materiala, ki je
videti kot svilen brokat. Tudi pohištvo, blazine, pregrinjalo so izbrani z
okusom. Res sem plačala kar precej, a si cisto zasluzim, saj imam dva dni počitnic od potovanja :)
Vsa zadovoljna sem vrnem na
recepcijo, kjer mi možakar pravi, da je ravnokar prispelo še nekaj Slovencev.
Malo skeptično ga pogledam, saj se mi je zdelo bolj verjetno, da
se Kitajcu Estonija, Slovakija ali Pensilvanija sliši čisto podobno. Pa sem sla vseeno pozdravit. In glej ga šmenta, res so bili Slovenci! Par,
ki potuje po svetu že več kot leto dni in njena mama, ki se jima je pridružila
za nekaj tednov na Kitajskem. Dan smo preživeli skupaj. Šli smo si pogledat nekaj znamenitosti v okolici Pingyaa,
zvečer pa, kot se spodobi - spili pivo ali dve in se naklepetali.
Tako … sprehajam se zadnji dan v tem mestu po ulicah,
ki sem ga že trikrat prehodila po dolgem in počez. Čakam na vlak, ki odpelje šele
ob 22h. Peeeking, prihajam!!!
Pingyao, 29. and 30. May
So I arrived to this famous ancient town of Pingyao (I admit, I borrowed the title from Lonely Planet) where the houses are as they probably were all over China years ago. It is well preserved in the center but all in all once again I have a feeling that it is a bit overrated. It is nice enough town with intact city walls, low buildings, streets free of traffic, but just behind the few main streets houses are falling apart.
Chinese understood that the
ancient and old brings money, and they make a lot of effort to restore an old
China, a lot of which was destroyed during the cultural revolution. I bet in a
few years China will look much older then today:)
In Pingyao I chose to
stay in the most famous hostel in town and got the most beautiful room
ever! It is in a lovely beautifully restored traditional courtyard. The
bed is enourmous and put on a bench made from bricks. The curtains,
bed cover, pillows, are all made from traditional fabrics and are just
beautiful, as are the pieces of furniture.
Yes, it is a bit pricey but as
this stop I consider a resting day, it s completely worth it.
All happy I returned to the reception when I was told that some Slovenians arrived. Skeptical at first, knowing that to Chinese anything like Slovak, Estonian or Pensilvanian sounds probably the same, I go and say hi to the people. But they were really from Slovenia! A couple who is traveling around the world for more then a year, and a mother who came to join them for a couple of weeks. We have spent a day together, visiting some sights around Pingyao and after, naturally, shared some drinks and a good chat.
All happy I returned to the reception when I was told that some Slovenians arrived. Skeptical at first, knowing that to Chinese anything like Slovak, Estonian or Pensilvanian sounds probably the same, I go and say hi to the people. But they were really from Slovenia! A couple who is traveling around the world for more then a year, and a mother who came to join them for a couple of weeks. We have spent a day together, visiting some sights around Pingyao and after, naturally, shared some drinks and a good chat.
Next day, I just wandered around
the city and must admit I was pressed to continue. The train to Beijing
leaves at 22.00.